Statutory Committees

Statutory Committees

Statutory Committees

  • ICC
  • PCDC
  • GRDC
  • Anti-Ragging
  • Equal Opportunity Cell


Internal Complaint Committee (ICC)

The ICC will examine all matters relating to sexual harassment of women at workplace and will make suggestions and proposals to the University regarding such matters.

The Committee will work according to the provisions of The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013.

The Committee will hear and address complaints regarding sexual harassment at Avantika University.

The constitution of ICC shall be done as per the guidelines laid down by UGC.

The Committee will make recommendations to the Vice Chancellor based on observations and examinations of specific complaints.

Based on the committee’s recommendation, the Vice Chancellor shall give the final decision. The Vice Chancellor may further institute, an Enquiry Committee, if required and deemed fit, for further examination of such complaints.

The Vice Chancellor may call additional members to the meeting, if required, and shall remove such persons from the committee, if complaint is received against those existing members.

The Committee will follow relevant Acts and Rules of Government of India, Court Orders and Regulations of University Grants Commission (UGC) as applicable from time to time.

The activity of the Committee is a time bound activity and requires actions that would need to be initiated whenever necessary and the reports to be provided to the Vice Chancellor.

The composition of Internal Complaint Committee (ICC) is as follows,


Shikha Kapoor

Presiding Officer


Nandini Langer



Priya Rao



Priya Sepaha

Member Secretary


Anmol Dubey



Prachi Sharma



Lavanya Naidu
(in case of student related complaints)


Process and Functioning

Any aggrieved person is required to submit a written compliant to the ICC, within a period three months from the date of incident.

If the person is unable to make such complaint in writing, the Presiding officer or any member of ICC shall provide all possible assistance for making the complaint in writing.

Further the ICC may extend the time limit if it is satisfied that the circumstances were such, which prevented the person from filing a complaint within said period.

The complainant needs to submit three copies of the complaint along with the supporting documents and, names and addresses of the witnesses to the ICC.

To Lodge complaint online click here