Internal Complaint Committee (ICC)
The ICC will examine all matters relating to sexual harassment of women at workplace and will make suggestions and proposals to the University regarding such matters.
The Committee will work according to the provisions of The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013.
The Committee will hear and address complaints regarding sexual harassment at Avantika University.
The constitution of ICC shall be done as per the guidelines laid down by UGC.
The Committee will make recommendations to the Vice Chancellor based on observations and examinations of specific complaints.
Based on the committee’s recommendation, the Vice Chancellor shall give the final decision. The Vice Chancellor may further institute, an Enquiry Committee, if required and deemed fit, for further examination of such complaints.
The Vice Chancellor may call additional members to the meeting, if required, and shall remove such persons from the committee, if complaint is received against those existing members.
The Committee will follow relevant Acts and Rules of Government of India, Court Orders and Regulations of University Grants Commission (UGC) as applicable from time to time.
The activity of the Committee is a time bound activity and requires actions that would need to be initiated whenever necessary and the reports to be provided to the Vice Chancellor.
The composition of Internal Complaint Committee (ICC) is as follows,
Shikha Kapoor
Presiding Officer
Nandini Langer
Priya Rao
Priya Sepaha
Member Secretary
Anmol Dubey
Prachi Sharma
Lavanya Naidu (in case of student related complaints)
Process and Functioning
Any aggrieved person is required to submit a written compliant to the ICC, within a period three months from the date of incident.
If the person is unable to make such complaint in writing, the Presiding officer or any member of ICC shall provide all possible assistance for making the complaint in writing.
Further the ICC may extend the time limit if it is satisfied that the circumstances were such, which prevented the person from filing a complaint within said period.
The complainant needs to submit three copies of the complaint along with the supporting documents and, names and addresses of the witnesses to the ICC.
To Lodge complaint online click here
Prevention of Caste based Discrimination Committee (PCDC)
Discrimination on the basis of caste, locality, social/ economical background or gender is prohibited at Avantika University.
The Prevention of Caste based Discrimination Committee (PCDC) shall understand the terms of the letter from UGC in words and spirit, and initiate continuous actions to ensure that no official or faculty member indulge in any kind of discrimination against any community or category of students, faculty or staff members. Sensitizing officials/ faculty members of the campus while dealing with such cases would also be the responsibility of the committee.
As per the letter from University Grants Commission dated 01/03/2016, it was informed that the Officials/ faculty members should desist from any act of discrimination against SC/ ST/ OBC students on grounds of their social origin.
The Committee will hear and address complaints regarding caste-based discrimination at Avantika University.
At least one member of the committee shall be from reserved category.
The Committee will make recommendations to the Vice Chancellor, based on observations and examinations of complaints.
Based on the committee’s recommendation, the Vice Chancellor shall give the final decision. The Vice Chancellor may further institute, an Enquiry Committee, if required and deemed fit, for further examination of such complaints.
The Committee will follow relevant Acts and Rules of Government of India and Court Orders etc., as applicable from time to time.
The Vice Chancellor may call additional members to the meeting, if required, and shall remove such persons from the committee, if complaint is received against those existing members.
The activity of the Committee is a time bound activity and requires actions that would need to be initiated whenever necessary and the reports to be provided to the Vice Chancellor.
The composition of Prevention of Caste based Discrimination Committee (PCDC) is as follows,
Sl.No |
Name |
Designation |
1. |
Manesh Patil |
Chairman |
2. |
Amar Mithapalli |
Faculty Representative |
3. |
Yashwini Solanki |
Faculty Representative |
4. |
Anmol Dubey |
Staff Representative |
5. |
Amarnath Solanki |
Member Secretary |
Process and Functioning
A complaint about discrimination or harassment as defined by the regulations may be made in writing by the student/ Faculty or staff to the PCDC.
Written complaint should be submitted to either the Chairman or the Secretary of the Prevention of Caste based Discrimination Committee.
The complaint shall include sufficient details of the alleged act of discrimination or harassment.
To Lodge complaint online click here
On receipt of written complaint, the Anti-Discrimination officer shall initiate the follow-up action including preliminary fact-finding enquiry.
Any person aggravated by an order of PCDC may appeal to the Vice Chancellor.
Anti-Ragging Committee
Ragging is banned at Avantika University. Any direct or indirect involvement of any student in such activities is strictly prohibited within or outside the campus.
Ragging involves causing physical and/ or mental trauma to a person because of physical abuse, manhandling, using abusive language or gestures or forcing others to perform acts that may cause physical/ mental trauma or damage.
Ragging is a social, cultural, and psychological menace.
Students are urged to keep up the glorious tradition of MIT Group of Institutions, and thereby Avantika University, and not indulge in any activity that may be construed as or amounts to ragging.
Students indulging in such activities are liable to legal action as per the directive from the Supreme Court of India.
Complying with the directives of the Supreme court of India and UGC regulations, the University has formed Anti-Ragging committee and Anti-Ragging Squad for over-seeing the implementation.
National Ragging Prevention Program
National Anti-Ragging Helpline
24x7 Toll Free
helpline@antiragging.in | www.antiragging.in
UGC Monitoring Agency
Centre for Youth (C4Y)
antiragging@c4yindia.org | www.c4yindia.org
Contact Details of the Nodal Officers of Anti-Ragging Committee and Squad Anti-Ragging Committee (ARC) | Anti-Ragging Squad (ARS)
The composition of Anti-Ragging Committee (ARC) is as follows,
Manesh Patil
Raghav Pandya
Dean - School of Design
Manjari Kanungo
Program Coordinator
Sanjay Sonwani
Program Coordinator
Amar Mithapalli
Program Coordinator
Yogesh Jahagirdar
Program Coordinator
Dheeraj Chugh
Program Coordinator
Surendra Rehmatkar
Dean - School of Engineering
Harish Bapat
Dean - School of Management
Priya Sepaha
Dean - School of Law and Public Policy
Meera Pandey
Warden - Girls Hostel
Dinesh Kumar Singh
Chief Warden
Senthil Kumar
Member Secretary
Naina Heble Sanskar Shrivastava
Student Representative
Process and Functioning
Any aggrieved person can contact any of the members of the committee.
The University number 0734-4296600 and Security Control room no. 0734-4296601 shall function as hotline for ragging complaints of the University. Any information shall immediately be transferred to the concerned authority.
The complaint box is placed at Main building and Yuti (Student Union Complex). Any compliant received regarding raging shall be immediately sent to Anti-Ragging committee.
The person shall file a complaint to the committee and it shall include sufficient details of the allegation or act.
On receipt of the complaint, the Committee will immediately initiate the action.
Based on recommendations, the Vice Chancellor may decide the course of action or may institute an enquiry depending upon the finding of the facts and its severity.
Students can also send their complaints on registrar@avantika.edu.in or contact at any one of the following numbers.
Dinesh Kumar Singh
62626 11582
Meera Pandey
96858 94726
Senthil Kumar
89993 44789
Manesh Patil
99229 64787
Satyajit Pangaonkar
97676 82975
Grievance Redressal and Disciplinary Committee (GRDC) will deal with matters relating to internal complaints of employees and act as a Grievance Redressal System.
This Committee will work for the resolution of disputes and grievances between authorities, employees, and students of the university by way of arbitration.
The committee will also work as disciplinary committee to recommend actions against employees.
The Vice Chancellor may call additional members to the meeting, if required, and shall remove such persons from the committee, if complaint is received against those existing members.
The Committee will make recommendations on actions to be taken on specific complaints.
Based on recommendations, the Vice Chancellor may decide the course of action or may institute an enquiry depending on the finding of the facts and it’s severity.
Vice Chancellor shall report the matter to the Governing Body for final description, if termination of employee is required.
The activity of the Committee is a time bound activity and requires actions that would need to be initiated whenever necessary, and the reports to be provided to the Vice Chancellor.
The composition of Grievance Redressal and Disciplinary Committee (GRDC) is as follows,
Priya Sepaha
Senthil Kumar
CoE, Dean - Student Life
Harish Bapat
Gaurav Bagra
Faculty Representative
Satyajit Pangaonkar
Faculty Representative
Dhananjay Hirwey
Staff Representative
Shankh Bansal
Special Invitee
Samarth Kamat
Special Invitee
Mukesh Bhargav
Staff Representative and Member Secretary
Process and Functioning
Any aggrieved person is required to submit a written compliant to the GRDC, within a period one month from the date of incident.
The complaint shall include sufficient details of the allegation or act.
To Lodge complaint online click here
Any disciplinary issue of students shall be referred to Avantika Disciplinary committee. (ADC)
Proposed action shall be communicated to the concerned person and such person shall be given reasonable opportunity for showing cause against the proposed order.
The employee shall have the right to appeal against the action to the Governing Body within 15 days of the date of communication of the decision.