Collaborating for Impact
At Avantika, we strongly believe in designing platforms to support the spread of transformative ideas and experiences through the community; that encourage creative and intellectual exploration and inspire everyone to make a positive societal impact. We work alongside our partners to bring out lively and stimulating events (expert talks, public lectures, workshops, challenges, cultural festivals) to the community each year
Avantika Interact
Get a closer look at design-thinking and how to design change that matters in a webinar series delivered by our Faculty and Advisory Board.

Avantika Connect
Get a closer look at design-thinking and how to design change that matters in a webinar series delivered by our Faculty and Advisory Board.

Avantika Designeering Series
Explore the exciting world of Design and Engineering in a weekly series of podcasts delivered by industry experts and leaders.

Delve into integrating the world of design, technology, and DESIGNEER the path to success, from a bi-monthly digital magazine authored by industry experts and leaders.

Avantika Samagati
Avantika Samagati. It is a series of events that provides you an opportunity to interact with academicians and practitioners from disciplines ranging from water to drama, design to literature, music to moving images, etc.