Learning Space
Life at Avantika is meant to pique your curiosity and question the way things operate in the real world by stimulating your intellect at every turn. The Avantika way of education inspires students to reinvent themselves. At Avantika, the new academic curriculum has been a result of extensive learning opportunities and unique resources. These resources include digital libraries, world-class residential facilities, knowledge centers, and indoor and outdoor sports facilities. The learning environment at Avantika offers students the freedom to think, interact with faculty members without the paucity of classrooms or breakout sessions. Additionally, the diverse reach of university education provides connect with world leaders to stay abreast of the professional ecosphere through lectures, seminars, and practical sessions. Research and teaching on this new, future-focused campus will concentrate on the interfaces between disciplines.
Library Dnyaneshwar
The Library at the University is a state-of-the-art knowledge resource center boasting digital and print resources in sync with global standards. The Library infrastructure works on a Library management software called KOHA interface for Library management. Integrated Library Management software: KOHA,Web OPAC,Digital Library: Knimbus, DELNET, NDL, NDScL, E-pg pathshala, NPTEL,Online Journals: DELNET, Knimbus, MAT Journals Collection 2300+ documents,Open access E- Resources: E-Journals, E-Books, E- Newspapers, E- Magazines, E-Thesis, E- Dictionaries and E- Thesaurus.,4000+ Full text and abstracting Journals, Reference books collection includes Bibliographies, Dictionaries, Encyclopedias, Reference Tools, Handbooks, Guidebooks and all,Government,Publications (Bulletins and Standards),Newspapers,Magazines,Memberships/ Local Chapters: Shodhganga, Shodhsindhu, NDL,NPTEL and IRINS/ VIDWAN,Plagiarism Control: Ouriginal,Cyber section,Reprography facility (Photocopy and scanning),WiFi facility

Computer Center - Turing
Turing is the Computer Center at Avantika, which is a multi-purpose technology and collaborative workspace for the students, faculty, and staff. The center features the high-end computing workstations, technologies, and software packages along with printing and scanning capabilities. Intel Core i7 Personal Computers with 24-inch Display, 8GB RAM, 1 TB HDD, Nvidia Ge Force Graphics Card 4GB RAM, and Windows 10 Professional,iMac - i5 Personal Computers with 27-inch, Display, 8GB RAM, 1 TB HDD, and Mac OS Sierra 10.12.5,Multi-Function SHARP-Colour Printer,44-inch HP Design Jet Pro Postscript Printer (Plotter)

Labs and Studios
The design studios, blended classrooms, and labs are the core component of our unique pedagogical approaches to Design-centric Learning. These purpose-built learning spaces bring in our faculty, visiting artists and scholars, and students to observe, explore, iterate, and prototype solutions (whether technological or artistic) for design-centered projects.

Fab Lab
The FAB LAB at Avantika is a state-of-the-art lab consisting of highend digital fabrication and manufacturing machinery consisting of an array of flexible computer-controlled tools, that cover several different length scales and various materials, with the aim to make "almost anything" and cater a platform for new ideas and innovation. Laser Cutting/Engraver 3x2 for Non-ferrous materials, NC Mini Mill Machine Bench Top Model (MDX 540 A 3D, 4 AXIS),CNC Router Machine for soft metal, plastic, wood Thermocol Cutting Machine (Hot Knife),3D Printers, Vinyl Cutter/Plotter Machine
Workshop Yantra-Tantra
The Workshop - Yanta Tantra at Avantika is a well-equipped cluster of distinctive workstations where the students give form to their ideas. With practical-based learning spread across all programs, the workshop acts as the central point of students' academic indulgence giving shape to their projects. The various shops (Wood, Metal, Welding, Fitting, Plastic, and Paint) consist of state-of-the-art machinery, and the support from skilled workshop instructors makes it one of its kind precinct for varied spheres of design, manufacturing, and fabrication.