Housing and Dining

Housing and Dining

Housing and Dining

Intended to promote interaction and collaboration, residential living at Avantika is aimed to foster a sense of community and ownership, and build strong friendships that carry through the academic years and beyond. The hostel blocks � Aavaas 1 for girls and Aavaas 2 for boys � are conveniently located on the Avantika campus, just a stone�s throw away from the academic facilities. Hostel rooms will be available on a first-come-first-served basis, and will be allotted on a twin / triple sharing basis.
All rooms are provided with bed, bed sheets, pillow and pillow covers, mattress, side table, study table, wardrobes, bookshelf, chairs, internet connection port, mug, bucket, and other essentials. Laundry room with washing machines, dryers and drying area are available.
These rules shall be applicable to all the hostels of the University.
The application for admission to hostel shall be made on a prescribed form available at the hostel office or on the University website. The duly filled application form should reach the hostel office before the prescribed date. Incomplete or wrongly filled application form shall not be considered. The application should be made at the start of academic year or end of previous year as per the communication from hostel office.
A student who has resided in the hostel and is seeking re-admission for the next year also should apply with clearance of all dues of previous year, if any. Any student who has failed or dropped out in the examination shall be re-admitted to the hostel.
The parents of the student shall, wherever possible, submit details of a local guardian with a colored, passport sized photograph, duly signed by both (parent and guardian) to the hostel office at the beginning of every academic year. This will enable the hostel officials to identify the person in case he/ she comes to meet the ward in the hostel, or makes a request for taking the student home.
Parents/ local guardians can meet their ward on the specified days only, i.e. 2nd & 4th Sunday every month. No other visitors are allowed to meet the students unless accompanied by the parents. Parents/ local guardians are requested to carry their ID cards provided by the University while visiting their wards. They won�t be permitted to meet their ward directly, and will have to meet the respective Warden first who will arrange the meeting.
The hostel room along with the furniture shall be allotted to the applicant on a first-come-first served basis. Any specific requirement for a hostel room can be considered subject to availability, and not as a right. The student should reside only in the hostel rooms allotted to him/ her by the Hostel office. The students shall not allow any guests in their rooms without the prior permission of the Warden. No student shall be allowed to change the room allotted in the hostel without prior permission of the Warden. The Warden may, at any time, approve a change of rooms or mutual exchange of rooms without assigning any reasons.
Students shall not be allowed to keep any furniture other than the one provided by the University in their rooms without prior permission of the Warden. Music system/ TV are not allowed in the individual rooms. Use of any electrical appliances other than the room fixtures is strictly prohibited. Such appliances, if found, will be confiscated and a fine may also be imposed.
Laundry facility is available thrice a week to all students. They can give their clothes for laundry on every Monday, Wednesday & Friday, which will be delivered to them on Wednesday, Friday and Monday respectively.
Students going outside the campus in the designated time shall obtain prior permission from the hostel office. In any case, the students are not allowed to go/ stay outside the campus from 8:00 pm to 6:00 am.
The student shall be responsible for the security of their own property. They must not leave their room/ wardrobe unlocked in their absence. It is the responsibility of the student to ensure that the room is properly locked all the electrical/electronic appliances are switched off whenever they venture outside. Luxury items are strongly discouraged and the University is not responsible for security of the same.
No student shall be allowed to reside in any hostel after completion of his/ her degree for which he/ she was admitted. In case the student gains admission in another program in the University, his/ her admission in the hostel shall be considered afresh.
The hostel rooms shall have to be vacated at the end of each academic year, with all furniture and fixtures. In exceptional cases, a student may be permitted to stay on payment of special charges to be decided by the University.
The student residing in hostel shall pay the prescribed fees per semester for which they have been admitted or readmitted. Late fees shall be charged after the date fixed to deposit the fees notified by the University. A student, if admitted after beginning of the session, shall pay the University dues and hostel fees from the commencement of academic year.
In case the course is not completed within the stipulated period and the student is required to extend his/ her stay in the hostel for completing the course he/ she may be allowed to continue his/ her stay in the hostel on the recommendation of the course coordinator and Warden with payment of hostel fees in multiples of a semester. This facility, however, shall not be providing to the students who are required to prolong their stay on account of repeating an examination.
Every student admitted to the hostel shall pay a refundable security deposit as specified from time to time. The said deposit shall be refunded at the time of leaving the hostel on completion of the academic program. The facility of mess/ canteen shall be provided by the University on payment basis; cooking is strictly prohibited in the hostel. The student shall be required to pay semester-wise mess charges in advance as notified by the University.
Attendance shall be taken twice in the hostel every morning and evening at a pre-designated time. Any absence without prior information to Warden, at the time of attendance is an offense. The Warden is fully authorized to deal with any attempt of proxy or wrong entry in the attendance register.
There shall be a committee named Avantika Hostel Management Committee (AHMC), appointed by the Vice Chancellor, to assist the Warden towards the smooth running of the hostel. The term of the committee shall be one year. The AHMC shall comprise:
Head � Student Services
House Masters
Chief Warden
All Hostel Wardens
One/ Two Students from each hostel
Medical Officer
Sports Officer
In case of any unforeseen/ undesirable event or incidents of disturbance in the hostel/ campus, students are requested to immediately contact/ inform the Warden.
In case of exigency, all the students shall vacate their rooms at given order/ time by the Vice Chancellor/ Registrar for any reason whatsoever and hand over the charges of their rooms to the Warden, failing which the Warden shall be authorized to break open the locked room. The University shall accept no responsibility for the private property of the concerned students found in the rooms.
The students shall cooperate in keeping the hostels and their surroundings clean, healthy and presentable by disposing of garbage and waste materials in dustbins at designated places. Water and electricity should be used prudently and efficiently to avoid wastage.
No pets are permitted inside the hostels.
Students should not arrange any party/ functions or meeting within the hostel or outside or within the University campus without specific permission of the Registrar/ Dean/ Warden. Meetings for routine hostel affairs (management of mess, organizing sports, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities etc.) have to be in the notice of Warden and with their consent. Similarly, no notice can be exhibited on a notice board or circulated to the hostel students unless it has been signed or countersigned by the Chief Warden. The students shall not cause damage or interfere in any manner with the notice board of the hostel.
Resort to any form of strike by the students without following the legally provided remedial channels/ procedures shall be deemed as a serious breach of discipline and the student shall ipso facto stand expelled from the hostel/ university.
The Warden shall keep a conduct register exclusively for recording the misconduct of the students along with details of punishment, warnings etc. While the register will have one page for one student for noting misconduct, it should have another page to note down good conducts/ acts as a Good Samaritan.
Any indiscipline or misconduct committed by a student or a group of students shall be brought to the notice of AHMC for taking appropriate action. Depending upon the gravity of the misconduct committed, the matter shall be brought to the notice of the Registrar or Vice Chancellor who may pass order in writing for taking appropriate action.
In case the situation in the hostel deteriorates to a level that requires protection, the Registrar in consultation with the Chief Warden may call the security to get the hostel vacated.
Any student who is found to be indulging in undesirable activities such as ragging, physical assault, damage to the property, undisciplined behavior causing inconvenience to other students, non-compliance of any of the conduct rules, or violation of any other rule defined in this list will be liable to any of the following punishments:
To be fined
Suspension/ Expulsion from the hostel
A record of his/ her misconduct will be made in his personal file
The cost of damage will be fully recovered from him/ her together with the fine
The privilege of appearing for campus interviews will be denied, when he/ she reaches the final year
No recommendations will be given to him/ her for further studies
Rustication from the University
No student shall be permitted to appeal against the Warden to any authority other than hostel management committee. If the appeal is against the decision of the hostel management committee, it should be made to the Vice-Chancellor and his order shall be the final.
Students should bring to the notice of the Warden/ caretaker or by endorsement in the Maintenance Register regarding any pending maintenance work (Civil, Carpentry, Electrical, and Sanitation etc.) to be carried out in rooms, corridors, toilets or other areas in hostel premises.
Students should not play outdoor games like cricket, football, etc. inside the rooms, common halls or in the corridors of the hostels. It causes damage not only to the hostel property, but also disturbs the peace of the surroundings. In case of damage or loss of hostel property, the cost will be recovered from the students responsible for the same.
Students should not participate in any anti-national, anti-social or undesirable activity in or outside the campus.
In case any student has to stay out of the hostel for a day or more for any reason, he has to take prior permission from Dean/ Warden.
If students create law and order problems outside the campus, they are answerable to the police or administration on their own. In such cases, they will also be answerable to University administration as per its norms. University authorities will do its utmost to protect you as long as you are on the right side of the law. Do not overstep your limits. Help us to help you.
In case a student falls sick, he/ she should contact immediately the Medical Officer/ concerned Warden.
Medical facilities are provided at the dispensary for routine health problems. However, for any other treatment requiring specialist/expert medical care and treatment we have a tie up with renowned hospitals. Even then, students are free to inform their parents to make arrangements for the treatment of their own choice. All medical expenditures are to be borne by the students.
In case of any emergency, students may be shifted immediately to a hospital and parents/ guardians will be informed accordingly.
Student suffering from infectious/ contagious diseases will not be permitted to stay in hostels. The University will take action in consultation with the student�s parents.
The room of any student in the hostel can be inspected at any time by the Warden or any authorized member/ staff. Students are advised to keep their ID cards with them and show them on demand. Students are required to report back after each vacation/ break on the day and at the time mentioned. Attendance on the Reporting day is mandatory for all.
No transactions will be in cash within the Campus, multi-purpose cards will be issued to the students that can be used for their day-to-day expenses as well.
Rooms in Avantika University�s hostels are allotted on a random basis. It is mandatory that each student resides in the room allotted to him/ her by the University.

Hey! I am Niaa... Your Admission Assistant.