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Shandar Junaid from Adobe XD conducted Workshop on Portfolio Building

Shandar Junaid from Adobe XD conducted Workshop on Portfolio Building
Monday 7th of September 2020

Howlers seek attention surely but impact negatively.

7th Sep 2020, Shandar Junaid, Design Specialist/ Strategic Development Manager of Adobe XD, conducted a workshop on Portfolio Building. He uttered about ideas and projections to turn hobby projects into a personal portfolio while keeping the professional ones separate.

Drawing attention to the importance of grammar, Shandar Junaid advised students to be meticulous about the tone of voice, spellings, and punctuations. Print media supports two-column resumes, uneven alignment, and text at odd angles while digital media need a different presentation. The session ended with interesting questions and answers that the students were waiting to ask. His insights helped students to sharpen and refine their portfolios.